Origins of Love

Origins of Love
my new novel

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Thank God for talented daughters who help technologically challenged parents like me to set up return have told her that one day (if and when!!) I am very rich will get her a horse ....not sure how to keep in a horse in a delhi flat --but will try!!! if wishes were horses....and she loves horses!! so do check out my lovely new website --though its a work in progress..still have a few links to set up..

Saturday, July 28, 2012

So been a long time since I wrote anything on this blog....but I didn't give up on the column and writing the new novel-Origins of Love which is now on the bestseller list in India! am now working on the next book --but this time round I think I will carry on writing this blog as well...not just post articles! ...So now its Olympics, Olympics, all the way . Fabulous to see how well Londoners are responding as the crowds throng the city--but I have to say I gave up half way on the opening ceremony. Is it just me--or did others also find the opening rather twee and somewhat tacky ???? and also depressing ---with all those men in suits and with cigars prancing about...oh DEAR!